
Create a Facebook campaign that encourages people to bring unwanted jewelry, coins, etc to the store and receive cash for their holiday expenses.


Find one example for 8 of the 10 advertising strategy objectives and write an analysis as to why the advertisement is using that specific strategic objective and how it relates to the description of the objective and method.


Concepting a complete campaign for Sunbasket and communicate the message objective using a creative template and calculate related costs.


Create a Facebook campaign that encourages people who need last-minute holiday shopping to stop into the store for exclusive jewelry, coins, watches, and more.


Concepting an outdoor advertisement for Citibank and communicate the message objective using a creative template and calculate related costs.


The Media Plan assignment will be a compilation of the basic introduction to advertising process, the inclusion of magazine media and radio media choices, as well as the Google search ads & CPM analysis for Marin Bikes


Create a Facebook campaign that showcases the company’s services and specifically promotes the Silver Plan option for consumers. 


Concepting an outdoor advertisement for Citibank and communicate the message objective using a creative template and calculate related costs.


The Media Plan assignment will be a compilation of the basic introduction to advertising process, the inclusion of magazine media and radio media choices, as well as the Google search ads & CPM analysis for Marin Bikes
